Assembly Updates

Funding women in gospel ministry

Sylvia Siu
3 August 2024

On the one hand, there are few employment opportunities for women in the PCNSW. 1 or 2 day a week jobs are advertised, and left unfilled.

But 1 or 2 days a week of paid work is financially unsustainable and few women will consider relocating for just a few days work in this cost of living crisis – especially single women.

On the other hand, many women work many hours in gospel ministry in their church - sometimes working three or four days in roles that only have for 1 (or none). These women work tirelessly for the gospel - but unfortunately their church cannot afford to recompense their work. The gospel worker is worth their keep - even when the worker is a woman.

Our women are incurring significant debts for their theological education, without any prospects of employment to pay it back. There are less than 40 women employed in local church ministry in NSW.

In view of the significant financial barriers churches face when seeking to employ women in ministry, we have partnered with our friends at Ministry and Mission and established a Women in Ministry grant, to help fund the employment of women in gospel ministry as we live out God’s good design for men and women in the Church, and see the furthering of His Kingdom. The grant is funded through the Parish Development Fund (PDF) which exists to create a source of finance for the development of new congregations and the expansion of existing congregations. (PCNSW Code C4.07)

Once Grant Applications are considered and approved by the WMC & M&M; we will match up to 1 day per week of salary – up to the Deaconess Package - for up to 5 years, on a descending scale.

More information, including the grant application form, is available here.

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